Tips to Get Ready for the Installation of Replacement Windows

On the scheduled day for your replacement windows to be installed, you want to make sure the professionals can get to work as soon as they arrive, which requires some preparation.

Remove all Window Treatments
For old windows to be removed and new ones installed, all window treatments must be taken down and kept out of range. It is ideal to clean window treatments during this time because they will be completely unattached, thus making them easier to clean thoroughly.

Clear the Inside Area
The front entrance, the pathways to each window, and the interior area around the windows should all be cleaned and given a clear path for professionals to reach without any obstructions.

Clean Up the Outdoor Space
Just as important as the indoor space is the outdoor space. If you have bushes in the way of the windows, you are going to want to trim them down before the day of the installation. Most other cleaning responsibilities can be taken care of on the day of the installation, and anything that you must move around for the installation process can be put back to its original place afterwards.

Provide Room for Scaffolding or Ladders
If you have second-story windows that will be getting replaced, you also need to make sure there is enough outdoor space beneath these windows for ladders and scaffolding.

Take Preventive Measures to Keep Each Area Clean
If you are not going to be around for the installation or have minimal free time on your hands, you can just work on routine cleaning to keep each area near ready. It is also possible to take down photos and clean up decorations in the days leading up to the installation to keep the preparation short and sweet.

Getting replacement windows should be an exciting experience, and there are plenty of methods that you can follow to avoid complications throughout the entire installation process.

Contact us, Renewal by Andersen of Greater Michigan, for more information on replacement windows.

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