Signs of Poor Window and Door Installation

Unfortunately, not all companies will provide you the professional installation that Renewal by Andersen Michigan does for you. However, we can help you out! Read about these signs of poor window and door installation and then give us a call so we can fix it for you:


  1. The sashes are too large for the frame.
  2. There is evidence of leaking.
  3. They did not follow the manufacturer’s procedure.
  4. There was no warranty.


  1. Your energy costs are not going down due to the efficient installation of the door.
  2. If there are major air leaks around the door.
  3. A gap between the bottom of the door and the floor.
  4. If it is difficult to open and close the door.
  5. If the door has trouble locking.
  6. If the door is pre-hung, there are cracks in the doorframe.

If you need windows or doors installed or need improper installations to be fixed, contact us today!

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