7 Steps for Successful Replacement Windows in Your Michigan Home

Proper window replacement in Michigan requires carefully following a series of steps to remove the old windows, prepare the new windows and get everything sealed up correctly.

Here are seven important steps to replacement windows, so you will know what the installation crew will look for and do when it’s time to replace the windows in your Michigan home.

1) Remove the Old Window

Removing the old window must be done cautiously to avoid any undue damage to the surrounding walls. Any rotting wood around the window will be removed if it was not very well sealed previously.

2) Repair Damage and Prepare Frame 

Now that the old window is out of the way, it is time to inspect the area for any signs of mold or wood rot and repair any damage to the outside walls. Once the repairs are made, your installation crew will measure and adjust the frame to account for any uneven settling or other issues that may affect the fit of the new window.

3) Put Window In Place 

Now your installation team will place the window in the hole and get it nailed into place. At this point, there are still some gaps around the edges and things aren’t quite sealed yet.

4) Wrap the Window

barrier is used around the window and along any exterior siding or finishes. This may be a felt-like material, foam sealant, or a thick paper material similar to what is used for roofing. This barrier keeps moisture out and helps prevent mold and mildew from getting in.

5) Add Insulation

Now it is time to insulate the window. The window panes themselves may be insulated using a variety of gas fillers and low-e coatings. However, around the edges of the window frame, a foam insulation will be used to fill gaps and keep heat from transferring around the edges of the window.

6) Replace Trim 

Now that all of the technical parts of the window have been covered, the installation team will replace the window sill and the trim that gives your window its finished look. This will complete the actual installation process.

7) Final Inspection 

It is imperative that you walk around your home with the installation team before they leave. Inspect every window and seal, and be sure to point out any areas where there appears to be missing seals. Now is your chance to make any corrections if you notice a problem. This may also affect your warranty later on. Once that is done your installation team will leave and you will be able to enjoy your new windows all to yourself.

These seven steps to replacement windows are the best way to get quality windows that have a huge impact on your energy bill and comfort level. As a homeowner in Michigan, understanding these steps gives you an idea of how the installation process works and what you should be watching for when it comes time for your final inspection.

Renewal by Andersen is happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps to window replacement today. Give us a call and schedule your free consultation right away!

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